Monday, December 8, 2008

Ending the Year

Well we are ending 2008.. what a amazing year.. We have really had a good year, Gary and I both have good jobs.. Ok Gary does, I just have a job.. I was able to travel and see Chelsea and Tobi often, plus they have been able to come home as well.. and the best part of the whole year was having Malakai come into our lives. It is hard to believe he is now 6 months old, and is probably the sweetest baby ever.. he has 2 teeth now, and when they were in before Thanksgiving he was rolling over.. now from the pictures he is trying to pull himself up to learn the crawl.. It is a great joy, being a Grandma!

Chris came home from the middle east and was home for a little over a month, I know he went stir crazy, but it was great having him home before he headed off to the Bahamas' where he will be for the next 2 years, it is always a fun time when he is home, he makes us all laugh and have a great time..

Matthew is still here in Utah with us, and working full time.. It started snowing this morning so that pretty much gives him time off since he is a sheet metal roofer.. He travels when the company had jobs out of state, but for the most part he just works around here in Ogden.

Brian is moving back next week, he will take some time off from school and work for awhile, and then finish up his school, not sure what he will do once he is finished but it will be nice having him home for awhile he has been in California for the past 2 and a half years.

Gary and I took a trip of a life time, we along with my 2 sisters and their husbands went on a cruise in November, it was so muh fun, we were gone for 7 days, and can not wait to do it again soon. If Gary would of got his way we would of been going again in January!

I am stepping down from my job, the end of January.. I have decided the stress is not worth the pay! I am having sugery on my foot ( way overdue) in January, and I am not sure how long I will be off of work, after I get the go ahead to go back, I will go back part time, I was thinking about looking for another job doing something different but I am thinking it is just easier to stay with Sears and work part time, but we will see how things go with my surgery, I don't want to go through this surgery to just mess my foot up all over again..