Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Why being a Grandma is so much fun!

I have been in North Carolina for the past week visiting with Chelsea, Tobi and Malakai! We have done some fun things while I have been here, but the best is just hanging out everyday and watching all the new fun things Malakai has learned to do.. ( ok maybe some of it has not been all nice, every once in awhile he likes to do a few naughty things.) We went to Carolina Beach, it has been storming here off and on the whole time, but we hoped for the best loaded the car and heading to the beach.. The sun came out while we were there the water was so warm and we just played until everyone was tired and ready to head home!

While I have been here Tobi has gotten his orders and they will be moving to Idaho.. We are all so excited! Now there will be no more all day flights just to visit, it will be a short 4 1/2 drive. We will be able to visit more often and watch Malaki learn to do new things.