Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Busy Summer

Chelsea and Malakai arrived Wednesday night, we are getting things ready for his first birthday.. His Great Nana and Grandpa are coming up for the big event! After everyone leaves Chelsea and I are driving to Washington so we can visit some friends! In July we are going to try and go to Idaho to the see the "Wild Bears" not sure what else we are planning on doing, but I am sure we will find some things to keep us busy!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Malakai 9 months old

Malakai loves when Uncle Brian gets up in the morning to play with him....... He loves Ella the cat... ( I think it's because she is nicer to him then the dog and she doesn't bark!) But really Ella loves him too.. She doesn't even mind when Malakai pulls on her ears!
We took Malakai swimming, he didn't know what to think at first, but then thought it was pretty fun! The best part of the whole night was the shower, he thought that it was pretty funny! He loved his Valentines Card with all the money in it.. Smart kid huh? It has been so fun having Chelsea and Malakai here with us, they are heading back home on Monday, he has done some many "first" since he has been here, he started crawling all the time on his hands and knees, he started pulling himself up, he gets into EVERYTHING.. and he learned to climb the stairs that go into the kitchen.. He was really proud of himself for that one! It is going to be sad to see them leave but we will see them next month when we meet up in the Bahamas for our visit with Chris, we are all so excited about going! Then in May Tobias will be deploying for 2 1/2 months so they will come back and stay with us.. We will have his first birthday here in Utah!
On another note, I went back to work last week after being off for 6 weeks due to my foot surgery, it has been so hard being back to work, and my foot hurts worse then it did before the surgery, so when I went to see my Dr. the other day he said he wants me off of it for another 3 weeks! So starting today I am home again, I have decided that if this 3 weeks does not help I am going to give my notice and just be a stay at home wife for awhile and then maybe in the fall I will start looking for a job where I don't have to be on my feet as much!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Bahamas' Here We Come

Ok so it is really going to happen... We are heading to the Bahamas' come April 13th.. We have all the plane tickets bought, the hotel reserved, passports ordered, and now all we need is April to get here!! How exciting it is going to be to be there with our whole family... Sorry kids but there will be family pictures expected.... I just figure it is the least they can do for me... Now here are some new pictures of Malakai.. Just about the sweetest and cutest baby out there.. ( not so sweet when he is trying to bite his mommy, guess he wants to try those teeth out)

Friday, January 9, 2009

Surgery is over

Well I had my surgery and now it is just the resting and waiting game, which most people know I am not very good at, today was my first real day home and I was already going stir crazy.. It is going to be a very long week, but hey its a test, if I can pass the week test then I know I will be ready to either go part time or just become a stay at home wife and clean and cook... ( stop laughing, it could happen) but I thought I would start posting some of our cruise pictures, we are looking forward to going on another one, but first we are off to the Bahamas' April 14th, it is going to be so much fun to be there with all our kids.....